Saturday, March 18, 2006

2006.03.01. 8. nap

Megerkezett az idiota terroristahajhasz TSA jovahagyasa!!! Ugyhogy irany a dispatch es a szerencses nemgyanusok elit taborahoz csatlakozva vegre lehet feliratkozni a geplistara (a 9 db C-172-esbol melyiket melyik napon hanykor szeretnem elkotni). Azert a TSA-t (Transportation Security Administration) nem hagyhatom szo nelkul, az ujjlenyomatozasos meghurcolason tul ugyanis ok azok, akik a national security felett eberen orkodo tulburjanzo hatosagok kozul a legszemermetlenebbek voltak a penzlegombolas teruleten is. A J-1-es vizumert kellett ugye a kovetsegnek fizetni 100 dollart (21 500 Ft), aztan ujabb 100 dollaros adomannyal kellett hozzajarulnom a SEVIS nevu kulfoldi-diak-nyomonkoveto-adatbazis fenntartasahoz, majd kovetkezett a TSA. Azon mar fenn sem akadtam, hogy nemes egyszeruseggel "alien"-nek titulalnak es tobb orat igenybevevo, elmult 1o evem legprobb mozzanatait (lakasok, munkahelyek, utazasok orszagokra es evekre lebontva, stb...) is felterkepezo adatlapjukat is szolgalelkuen kitoltottem, sot az eredetileg eloiranyzott 130 dollar (28 000 Ft) kiperkalasara is mind lelki, mind financialis ertelemben felkeszultem, hogy engedelyezzek az integralt "Professional Pilot Program"-ban valo reszvetelemet es a szukseges repulos jogositasok megszerzeset. Azert kell nekem tehat fizetnem, hogy elvegezhessek rajtam a "threat assessment"-et. Oke. Csakhogy, miutan az isi prezidentjenek instrukcioi alapjan kitoltott adatlapon megnyomtam a submit gombot, azt a hibauzenetet kaptam vissza, hogy integralt programot (ami ugyebar az osszes jogositast tartalmazza - private, commercial, instrument, multi-engine, stb.) nem lehet egyben regisztralni, hanem a private, instrument es multi jogositasra egyenkent kell requestet kitolteni es EGYENKENT 130 dollart fizetni!!! Mivel helpdeskjuknek irott ketsegbeesett e-mailjeimre is hasonlo tajekoztatast kaptam, fogcsikorgatva lerottam a 2-szer 130 dollart (az instrumentert es a multi-engine-ert), es meg en lehettem halas nekik, hogy a harmadik 130-at elengedtek, mivel maganengedelyem mar van (bar csak magyar, de azert meg ugyis eleget fogok fizetni idekinn, hogy konvertaljam).

Ezek utan igazan talalo a The Record - Independent Weekly Newspaper at Harvard Law School TSA-rol szolo szosszenete, ami a kovetkezokeppen jellemzi a szervezetet: incompetent, mismanaged, wasteful & inefficient, cost doubling, under-trained & corner-cutting, repeatedly failure-prone, safety illusion creating, performance mismonitoring, screener certification bungling, threat ignoring and internally miscommunicating, rights trampling, privacy violating (& cover up promoting), sexual harassment promoting, thievery enabling, hypocritical security side-stepping, long line creating, nail clipper, scissor, pocket knife/tool, tiny toy gun and cigarette lighter-confiscating, peanut butter sandwich thieving, elderly & disabled harassing, on the job sleeping, air marshal hemorrhaging, employment discrimination facilitating, and employee health hazard creating.

De azt hiszem az alabbi TSA tulkapashoz kepest en meg konnyen megusztam az attrocitasokat:
Robert Rajcoomar, a physician and retired U.S. Army major had been sitting in first class quietly reading and drinking a beer until two overreacting TSA air marshals dumped an allegedly unruly passenger from coach class into the adjacent seat. Rajcoomar told the Inquirer: "One marshal sat on the guy... he was groaning, and the more he groaned, the more they twisted the handcuffs." Rajcoomar asked the stewardess for permission to move to another seat in first class; she told him to take one of the seats the marshals had vacated.
When the plane landed, Rajcoomar recalled, "One of these marshals came down to me and said, ‘Head down, hands over your head!’ They pushed my head down, told me to bend down." Rajcoomar said one of the marshals told him, "We didn’t like the way you looked" and "We didn’t like the way you looked at us." He was locked up in a filthy cell for three hours before being released without charges. His wife was left to roam the Philadelphia airport, not knowing what had happened to her husband.
TSA spokesman David Steigman later explained it: he "had been observing too closely."

Ahhoz kepest, h 6.6 milliard dollaros koltsegvetest kaptak (akkori arfolyamon 1600 milliard forint) (mennyiiiiii?????) (ez pont a magyar koltsegvetes idei eloiranyzott hianya!!!!!):
TSA has repeatedly failed its own security tests. In 2002, TSA documents revealed that their screeners were missing 24% of mock weapons in undercover tests, with some airports experiencing a 50% failure rate. Los Angeles LAX, one of our nation's largest and most important airports, had a 41% failure rate. But surely they've had a chance to improve since then, right? Nope. Last summer, Federal baggage screeners at Newark's Liberty International Airport had a 25% failure rate - missing 81 mock bombs and weapons out of 327 tests conducted over the summer. They even failed when they realized they were being tested, as screeners had begun to recognize the testers but still failed to find smuggled weapons. With the reports of dozens of journalists, undercover government agents, and even college students successfully smuggling weapons onto planes after 9/11, one wonders if this is all a big ruse by TSA to convince terrorists that they're more in danger from armed passengers now than ever before.

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